Wednesday, May 27, 2009


more cleaning today. i found some yearbooks from grade school and realized that as unpopular as i was in high school, i was even more unpopular in my younger years. the only pictures i show up in are the class pictures and of course i look ridiculous. which is really saying something because in first and second grade everyone looks ridiculous. unless they're sitting next to me, in which case they look perfectly normal.
i also found some mysterious autographs on posters from my birthday in the 4th grade and my first holy communion party. someone named 'Annabel' was apparently present for my birthday and a man named 'John Dalton' came to congratulate me on my first Eucharistic experience. even my mom couldn't help me identify these strangers. aren't moms supposed to know everything?
I've been making jewelry lately but i ran out of wire so i went to get more only to get home and find out that i got the wrong size and i am now stuck with 30 yards of almost completely useless beading wire. so lame. but so far my friends like my beaded rings so maybe I'll add them to the list of things i will sell out of my invisible car. my mom thinks that charging 25 cents is too little but i don't know of anyone who would pay more than that for a loop of wire covered in small beads. i also make beaded bobby pins. they're quite fashionable actually, and i think i might be able to get 50 cents for one of them.
this post is quickly straying from its original topic but that's just how i roll, i guess. last week i was meeting my friend Anna downtown (to see Star Trek in IMAX, if you must know) and the bus i got on was full of students on a field trip. it was so crowded that i had to stand next to the bus driver right up in the windshield. my first reaction was "oh damn. this is gonna suck so bad." but i was completely wrong. it was beyond awesome. being right up against the front window was like flying down the expressway. or maybe like being on one of those hover board things from Back to the Future. i don't think I've ever enjoyed a bus ride more. i highly recommend it if you ever get the chance. two thumbs up. the movie however would only get one-and-maybe-a-quarter thumbs up.


  1. Annabel and John Dalton? Neither of these names ring bells with me either, and I would have been old enough to know. 25 cents is too little. WAY too little. Try $3 and see what happens.

  2. wow $3.00? ok i'll try. and when they become the next trend and im super rich and famous i'll give you a cut of the profits :)

  3. Two words, bb: etsy shop. You'd be amazed at the things people sell on there, and for how much.

